How to Find Time for Your Hobbies as a Working Mom

As a working mom, finding time for hobbies can be difficult. Evaluate your current daily activities and the time spent on them to find a balance between work and leisure. Figure out which tasks take up valuable hours that you could use for hobbies.

When You’re a Tired Working Mom

Look closely at your schedule to spot gaps. Use these gaps to do leisure activities like sports and meditation. Prioritising activities will bring more relaxation and fun.

Creating a plan that works with your work hours may take some trial and error. Set aside time each day, even just a few minutes before dinner prep. Turn off devices when doing hobbies at home.

Pro Tip: Ask family members to take on household duties or better yet, hire support services for more free time. Small changes in routine can have big impacts on personal relationships, physical health, and mental well-being.

Reminder: Don’t forget to make time for yourself – your kids will still love you even if you’re not available for Paw Patrol!

Prioritising your Hobbies

As a busy working mom, finding time for hobbies can be challenging, but it is essential to prioritise them for your mental health and well-being. Allocating time for your hobbies may sound overwhelming, but it is necessary. Here’s how you can easily prioritise your hobbies amidst a hectic schedule.

  1. First, identify your most significant time-wasting activities, such as excessive social media scrolling, and set boundaries for them.
  2. Then, organise your to-do list by prioritising your responsibilities and sticking to an achievable schedule.
  3. Make sure to allocate at least 30 minutes to an hour each day for your hobbies.
  4. Don’t forget to delegate tasks to others if possible and avoid over-committing yourself.
  5. Give yourself permission to say no to tasks that do not align with your priorities for the day.
  6. Last but not least, plan ahead for the week and schedule time for hobbies alongside your responsibilities.

Pro Tip: Avoid multitasking while engaging in your hobby. Give your full attention to the activity and enjoy it fully without distractions.

Finding your passion is like finding your keys in the morning – it may take some searching, but once you have it, everything falls into place.

Identifying your Passions

Unlock Your True Passions!

What activities give you energy and bring you joy? Reflect on what you love doing in your personal or professional life. If you want, try something new that fits with your interests. Finding your real passions may take time, but it’s a must for self-discovery.

Focus on the hobbies that bring you the most satisfaction and make time for them. Figure out how much time each activity needs and where it fits into your schedule. Prioritising your hobbies can give you a fulfilling life outside of work and boost your overall well being.

Don’t forget to check in with yourself regularly. Our passions can change over time, so it’s important to stay aware of what truly excites us.

Research has shown that “pursuing passion projects leads to less stress and burnout”. So, prioritising your hobbies is not only great for your mental health, it’s beneficial for your whole being.

Eliminating Time-Wasting Activities

Eliminating Non-Productive Tasks

Getting rid of activities that consume time is essential for a healthy work-life balance. Here are some tips:

  • Spot time-consuming culprits like social media, and allocate specific periods for checking them.
  • Prioritise daily goals, assign tasks and delete project distractions to increase efficiency.
  • Learn to politely decline non-essential events or meetings without feeling guilty.

Eliminating Stressful Factors

Apart from wasting activities, getting rid of stress sources is just as important. Acknowledge the stressful triggers and why they bother you. Consciously avoiding these triggers can improve productivity and overall well-being.

Unique Principle

In addition to the regular items that need discarding, it is essential to constantly review one’s routine. By doing this, we can comprehend our reactions to different situations which helps in personal advancement.

Real-life Example

My friend Ally used her phone excessively and felt overwhelmed with non-urgent calls disrupting her work life. She now puts her phone on silent mode during work hours, concentrates on daily goals, reduces anxiety levels significantly and politely informs people about returning missed calls post-work hours only. Who needs sleep when you can fill those precious pockets of time with your favourite hobbies?

Finding Pockets of Time

As a working mother, it can be challenging to find time to pursue your hobbies. However, with strategic planning, it is possible to carve out pockets of time for yourself.

Here are some tips to help you find time for your hobbies:

  1. Evaluate your daily routine and identify opportunities for small pockets of free time.
  2. Prioritise your hobbies and schedule time for them accordingly.
  3. Utilise time-saving techniques such as meal prep and multitasking.
  4. Learn to say no to unnecessary commitments that don’t align with your priorities.
  5. Involve your family or friends in your hobbies to maximise your time together.

It is essential to remember that finding pockets of time requires discipline and commitment. Be intentional about sticking to your schedule and guard your time fiercely to avoid burnout and resentment.

A friend of mine, a mother of two, discovered she had a passion for painting but struggled to find time for it. She started waking up an hour earlier each day to work on her art before her children woke up. This small adjustment created a pocket of time for her to pursue her hobby and inspired her to prioritise self-care.

Who needs sleep when you can have a perfectly scheduled routine that includes both work and hobby time? Said no tired working mom ever.

Creating a Routine

Creating a Personal Routine

Everyone can gain from having routines that offer structure and motive to their days. Making an appropriate routine for yourself may have many advantages, like helping you do more, reduce stress and promote better sleep patterns. Think about this 4-step approach to help you make your daily schedule.

Start by deciding what you ultimately wish to accomplish with your routine. You can customise it according to your priorities, such as finishing work assignments or finding time for physical exercise.

Then, decide when you will schedule the various tasks that will help you reach your objectives on a certain day or week. Bear in mind to allocate enough time for different activities and think of distractions or interruptions that could affect your plans.

When the amount of time available is settled, prioritise duties based on their urgency, complexity and value in achieving desired objectives.

Finally, but perhaps most significantly, stick to your arrangement once it’s created. Prioritising tasks and adhering to a schedule may take some adjusting to at first, but it’s essential not to get dejected after minor deviations from the plan.

  1. Recognize Your Goals
  2. Pick a Time Frame
  3. Prioritise Tasks
  4. Adhere to Your Routine

When constructing routines special details need consideration. Find suitable task allocations based on importance and deal with unexpected issues separately.

For instance, an entrepreneur set aside 30 minutes each morning exclusively for brainstorming and started his workday punctually at 9:00 AM each day. Rain or shine, weekday or weekend. This practice allowed him to always begin his day with laser focus!

Multitasking: the art of messing up several things at once.


Task-juggling is the art of managing multiple tasks at once. It requires attention to detail and focus for maximum productivity.

  1. Prioritise objectives based on deadlines.
  2. Delegate responsibilities and use technology tools to streamline processes.
  3. Avoid distractions and optimise downtime.
  4. Use seemingly unproductive times like commutes or waiting times to work or self-care.
  5. Find pockets of time to complete smaller tasks.

Commit to productivity strategies to maximise potential every day. Outsource tasks to create your own personal army without guilt.

Outsourcing Tasks

Paragraph 1 – Delegating Tasks:

Maximising productivity and minimising workload is every busy mom’s dream. Finding ways to delegate tasks can be the key to achieving more time for your hobbies and quality time for yourself.

Paragraph 2 – Here are 6 ways to delegate tasks and find time for hobbies as a working mom:

  • Outsource house cleaning or lawn maintenance
  • Get groceries delivered or use meal prep services
  • Use childcare services or ask a trusted friend or family member for help
  • Consider hiring a virtual assistant for administrative tasks
  • Enlist help with errands, such as picking up dry cleaning
  • Trade tasks with other working moms in your social circle

Paragraph 3 – Don’t forget the small stuff:

Hobbies are often pushed aside due to prioritising work and family, but remember that even a few minutes a day can add up to significant progress. For example, if your hobby is knitting, set aside five minutes a day to work on a project. Small steps add up to significant results over time.

Paragraph 4 – Suggestions for outsourcing tasks:

Hiring a professional cleaning service or a personal assistant may seem like an unnecessary expense, but it’s important to remember that time is just as valuable as money. By outsourcing tasks, you can focus on your hobbies and enjoy more quality time with your family. Additionally, trading tasks with other moms can be a mutually beneficial arrangement that saves both time and money. Just because you’re a working mom doesn’t mean your kids can’t pull their weight – delegation is the key, and bribery always helps.

Delegating to Family Members

Turning to family to delegate tasks is a reliable option. Why? Here are 3 reasons:

  • They know you well and can understand your needs faster.
  • They won’t charge you for their services.
  • You get to spend time with them.

It’s important to treat them professionally and set expectations beforehand.

Pro Tip: Fair compensation or reciprocation is a great way to show appreciation for their work.

Outsourcing to family is like having an assistant who won’t demand pay and won’t steal your stuff.

Hiring Help

When it comes to extra help for your tasks, there are many options. Entrepreneurs or business owners should think about outsourcing their essential operations. Recently, tech and the internet have made it easier to outsource. Here are 6 tips to consider when hiring help:

  • Look at workload and decide which tasks to outsource.
  • Check job listings for experts with relevant experience.
  • Choose someone or a company with excellent communication skills.
  • Be transparent. Use contracts, discuss deadlines and be clear with expectations.
  • Provide instructions and feedback for better efficiency.
  • Agree on payments in advance to avoid surprises.

Outsourcing can save time and money, plus give access to special skills. Research partners carefully. Check reviews or do interviews. Ask questions to make sure they understand.

“When I began my biz, I was overwhelmed. I didn’t want anyone else to control my critical activities. After a long time of struggling, I decided to hire someone to help me focus on the top priority tasks that only I could do. Why not outsource and be productive while doing nothing?”

Making the Most of Downtime

When you are a working mom, making the most out of the little downtime you have is crucial. Utilising the quiet moments during your commute or waiting in line to read, listen to podcasts or brainstorm ideas for your hobbies can help you make progress towards your goals without sacrificing your precious time with your family. Additionally, incorporating your hobbies into your daily routine, such as doing yoga while your children nap or cooking as a family activity, can help you stay motivated and engaged.

Remember, making the most of your downtime doesn’t have to feel like a chore, but rather a moment of joy and self-care. A Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to free up more time for your hobbies. Who needs food when you can have a quick painting session during your lunch break as a working mom?

Utilising Lunch Breaks

When it comes to optimising mid-day breaks, there are many ways to use this time well. Here are five ideas:

  • Have a networking lunch with colleagues or contacts in your industry.
  • Go for a walk or do some physical activity to benefit your mind and body.
  • Read material related to your job or industry.
  • Use the time for personal errands that might otherwise cut into work hours.
  • Plan and prioritise tasks for the rest of the day to be more productive.

Also, bring a healthy meal from home instead of eating out. This saves money and helps you stay nourished.

It’s essential to remember that downtime is just as important as work time. By using short breaks like lunchtime effectively, you can increase success in the long run.

A colleague of mine had weekly meetings during lunch break. It strengthened relationships in his team and kept everyone up to date and in sync on projects.

You can take advantage of your commute by listening to podcasts and pretending you have friends.

Maximising Commute Time

Making Travel Time Productive

Travel time to and from work can be a great way to maximize productivity. Prepare for the day ahead, review notes or meditate – this will help you to gain clarity and be more focused when you arrive.

Take advantage of technology. Listen to podcasts on industry news or educational topics. Read articles related to professional interests. Additionally, make a to-do list or plan projects during this time.

It’s important to maintain regular sleep patterns, exercise routines and healthy eating habits. This will enhance productivity during travel intervening minutes.

The American Psychological Association suggests using travel time to improve work performance, not to feel stressed about it. Set low expectations and you won’t be disappointed with your productivity during downtime.

Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations

As a busy working mom, it can be difficult to find the time to pursue your hobbies. In order to achieve a work-life balance, it is important to set realistic goals and expectations for yourself.

Be mindful of your time constraints and plan accordingly. If you only have a few hours a week to dedicate to your hobby, don’t expect to complete a large project in a short amount of time. Instead, break it down into smaller, achievable tasks.

It’s also important to be flexible and willing to adjust your expectations. Life as a working mom can be unpredictable, and you may need to prioritise other responsibilities over your hobbies at times.

Remember to prioritise self-care and make time for yourself. Pursuing your hobbies can be a great way to recharge and de-stress, but it’s important not to overcommit and add more stress to your life.

“I once struggled to find time for my love of gardening as a working mom. However, I realised I could set small goals like potting a few plants or weeding for 30 minutes a day. By setting achievable goals and being flexible with my schedule, I was able to find the time to pursue my hobby and take care of myself.”

You may not have time for Netflix binges anymore, but at least you’re getting your drama fix from your toddler’s tantrums.

Accepting that You may not Have as Much Time as Before

It’s important to recognize that time may be limited. Adjust expectations accordingly. Prioritise tasks and create a plan to fit the new schedule. Balance is key; don’t overcommit or overwhelm. Allocate rest time to re-energize and avoid burnout. Adapt to changes gracefully and be open to life’s evolution. Optimise opportunities within the time constraint. Harvard Business Review found that people with realistic goals have higher motivation, lower stress, and better job satisfaction. Celebrate small accomplishments – just like trying to fit into those high school jeans!

Celebrating Small Accomplishments

Acknowledge your progress! It increases confidence and motivation. Even if the wins seem small, they can bring big rewards. Congratulate yourself for reaching milestones! It will help you succeed in the future.

If you don’t succeed at first, just lower your expectations. That always works!

Final Tips and Advice

To finish up, here’s how working mums can fit in their hobbies – even when tired.

  • Plan ahead: Set aside time for your hobbies like you do for work or family.
  • Multitask: Have fun while completing essential tasks, such as listening to music while doing laundry.
  • Delegate: Ask your partner or children to take on some tasks so you can have more free time.
  • Be realistic: Set achievable goals and start small. Build up over time.
  • Join a group: Find others with similar interests and find motivation and community support.
  • Take care of yourself: Prioritise self-care for more energy and motivation.

Don’t compare yourself to others. Figure out what works best for you. Enjoy the benefits of having a hobby – from stress relief to personal fulfilment. Take time for yourself and reap the rewards in both your personal and professional life.